Additional Services


  • For decompression and discogenic pain
  • Click HERE to watch an antiquated and corny video of the Anatomotor Traction table that we use in the office.

NormaTec MVP Pro Recovery System

  • Vasopneumatic Parastaltic Compression System
  • Speeds tissue healing recovery time and reduces swelling
  • Post-Workout recovery
  • Pre-Perfomance preparation for competitive athletes

Kinesio and Athletic Tape

  • Proprioceptive effects of Kinesio Tape stabilize injured joints during competition

Rehab Exercise

  • with 7000 sq feet of rehab space we do everything from teaching foam rolling and stretches to teaching back squat technique and the use of kettlebells for shoulder stability
A round, metal sign on a wooden wall reads "Northwest Sports Medicine" with a cutout map and acronym "NW," emphasizing their expertise in corrective exercise. Sports Medicine Northwest - West Seattle Chiropractic Clinic