Shockwave Therapy in Seattle

SMNW provides Radial Shockwave Therapy.  Radial Shockwave Therapy does not involve an electric impulse or "shock".  The therapy results from thousands of sequential targeted vibrational impulses that are directed through the injured tissue over a period of 2-4 minutes.

Your body responds to these focused micro-trauma impulses by mounting a robust healing response involving the recruitment of growth factors, plateletts and stem cells.   There is a large and growing body of evidence (see links below) that this is the premier modality in the treatment of difficult tendon injuries such as:

  • Plantar Fasciitis
  • Elbow tendon (golfer's elbow, tennis elbow, medial epicondylitis, lateral epicondylitis)
  • Infrapatellar tendonitis (Jumper's knee)

Additional research has generated positive outcomes for knee osteoarthritis, kidney stones and even for those who suffer from erectile dysfunction!  (At SMNW, we will stick to the sports medicine applications of Shockwave therapy.)

In a Seattle clinic, a patient experiences shockwave therapy using a handheld device for advanced foot treatment. Sports Medicine Northwest - West Seattle Chiropractic Clinic

Our physicians here at SMNW have reguarded extracorporial radial shockwave therapy as a strong resource in difficult tendon presentations for years but have had difficulty locating referral locations for shockwave in Seattle.  We are very happy to bring this powerful resource in-house and look forward to getting you relief and results soon.

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