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Sandbag Cleans – Explosive Power for youth athletes
The sandbag clean is an accessible and effective alternative to our typically programmed barbell and kettlebell cleans and snatches. Â Explosive...
The Three Stretches You Should Avoid After a Car Accident
After a car accident muscles progressively shorten and tighten in the days that follow. Â It is a protection mechanism that...
Assault – Studies show that it won’t help you 1RM but it could help you PR your Fran.
Many CrossFit types dabble in pre-workout to get mentally (or physically?) prepped for heavy 1RM lifts. Â The attached studies surprisingly...
New Study Shows Peak Muscle Activation at 90 Degree Squat
The elephant in the room is that this study was performed using isometric maximal effort squats rather than a dynamic...
Standing Clam Shell for Knee Sweep in the Squat
Standing Clam Shell for Knee Sweep in the Squat The side lying clam shell is a basic and sometimes necessary...
Sports Chiropractor Shoulder Rehab Seattle
Sports Chiropractor Shoulder Rehab Seattle My favorite hobbies of crossfit, kettlebelling, tussling my children and moving my patients can be...
Barbell Alternative to Side Plank
The Barbell Alternative to Side Plank should be used in two separate sessions per week, two sets each day. Over...
Integrated Rotator Cuff Rehab Seattle
Integrated Rotator Cuff Rehab is important because athletes with non-surgical rotator cuff injuries are in for a lifetime of external...
Knee Pain and the Kipping Handstand Pushup
If your knee is hurting after last week’s 16.4 workout, don’t be so quick to blame the wall balls.  Your...