New Study Shows Peak Muscle Activation at 90 Degree Squat

The elephant in the room is that this study was performed using isometric maximal effort squats rather than a dynamic range of motion.  If these findings are only relevant in static positions, the concepts could be useful in the post-surgical setting.

If what is true for these isometric findings holds true for dynamic motion, it would direct box height selection in Box Squats as well as point out the need for some athletes to cultivate additional recruitment at end range.  Perhaps the use of Pause Squats or 1 and 1/4 squats at full depth for athletes (olympic lifters) who find themselves at angles approaching 140 degrees flexion.

Also, this could validate the use of partial depth squats and walkouts at above 1RM weight. . . interesting. . .

Here’s the link to the full text article-

Skylar Pond

Dr. Skylar Pond is a sports medicine chiropractor in Seattle, Washington.