South Lake Union Chiropractor

Dr. Pond and Sports Medicine Northwest were recently featured on Evening Magazine. Keep an eye out for more to follow as the producers at King 5 have requested Dr. Pond for a regularly recurring segment on the show. Future segments will provide simple solutions to the ergonomic challenges of daily life.
Dr. Pond is a South Lake Union Chiropractor who graduated from The University of Western States with a doctorate in chiropractic in 2008. He continued his education at UWS to achieve the additional degree of Certified Chiropractic Sports Physican and serves as the team physician of the Old Country Iron Club’s Competition Team.  Skylar and his wife Alicia own and operate Sports Medicine Northwest in the South Lake Union neighborhood of Seattle where they offer chiropractic, acupuncture, orthopedic massage and physical therapy.
When it comes to getting the most out of your health and physical abilities, Dr. Pond does his best to practice what he preaches. He recently earned his IKFF rank of Master of Sport in the #70 kettlebell snatch sprint set. He was ranked #29 in the 2012 Northwest Crossfit Games Open and he has competed in every NW Regional Crossfit Games dating back to the year of the final Washington State Sectionals in Monroe, WA in 2010.
Before Chiropractic, Dr. Pond was a wildland firefighter and a strength and conditioning coach.