Barefoot Running Part II: Nike joins the party

Always one step ahead of the curve, Nike provides 3 shoes that fill the gap between what I referred in the last posting as the “modern shoe” and the minimalist approach of barefoot and Vibrams. I hope that is clear from the last post that a gradual transition is absolutely necessary in order to harden the intrinsic ligaments of your feet as well as the tendons that flex your ankles. You’ll notice that the heel remains raised in both the 7.0 and 5.0 versions and is not significantly lower until the 3.0 model.  This gives the gastrocs and achillis tendons time to adapt to the significant increase in tension placed on them in a flatter shoe.  Because of this the Nike Free series may be the most comfortable way to progressively reduce your foot’s dependence on external support.

A friend at Nike provided me with the following review of the Nike Free series in response to my last posting. It looks like round #2 goes to Nike.

Nike Free Shoes
The Revolutionary Running Shoes

The first shoe in the Nike Free shoes series is the 7.0, which is designed for Beginning Foot Strength Training that provides excellent everyday support.
1. Nike Free Barefoot Running Concept For Stability

Nike Free Shoes Among the Nike Free shoes, this shoe is the one that provides the most support, which makes it great for starters of the barefoot running concept. The Nike Free 7.0 is very flexible and has a very strong surface grip for better stability.

The shoe helps the foot retain a stable position, which assists in the natural transition of the feet from the strike of the heel to when the toe sets off. The 7.0 also distributes the impact of landing well so that impact will not hurt the legs and knees a lot. Both men and women can benefit from the offers of this shoe.

Let us look at some of the other editions :
Nike Free Running Shoes: The 5.0 Edition

The Nike Free 5.0, the second shoe in the series, is for Increased Foot Strength Training and provides medium support. It has deeper grooves for greater flexibility both on the forefoot and the rearfoot, thus allowing the feet to move the way it wants to. Despite this, the Nike Free 5.0 provides adequate support to the foot where it’s needed.

The shoe provides additional cushioning for shock absorption. The sturdy but comfortable cushioning also gives a stronger and more solid thrust forward to the foot, which propels the runner on a faster, more powerful stride. Even with the flexibility that the shoe has, it still provides sufficient protection on the sole for when you are running on rough surfaces. The shoe also comes with a comfortable upper with a suede feel. Even this small detail is specifically designed to move as your feet do. Most users remark that the shoe fits like a glove but still does the work that a good running shoe should do.

This is great for runners who want to feel the freedom of running practically on bare feet but still need support and cushioning for their feet. If you find that this is the shoe for you, check out the special training schedule for the shoe that Nike has prepared to help you ease into the shoe.
Nike Free Shoes: The 3.0 Edition

And for Advanced Foot Strength Training, there’s the Nike Free 3.0, which provides minimal support. This shoe is highly responsive. Using it is almost like running barefoot, and it can also promote foot strength. The shoe is more widely known for its track spikes minus the weight.

Very comfortable and very lightweight, the shoe also offers an unexpected cushioning support centered on the compression-molded EVA midsole.The shoe also has two panels of mesh and synthetic leather for a snug fit and a BRS 1000 outsole.

Barefoot Running Part I: The Cheap Shoe Revolution

Taoist Proverb: “It is easier to put shoes on your feet than it is to wrap the earth in leather.”

I was not even familiar with the term “minimalist runner” when a guy on a mountain trail had the audacity to pass me while wearing a pair of rubber slippers.  I was only on mile 4 and working hard for it but I could see by his belt of empty bottles that he had run much further than that.  I chased him and his ridiculous footwear down and demanded answers to the following questions:
Q:  How many miles have you run?-
18?!!! I wasn’t letting him pass me now, not even at my car-  I ran all the way back to his car with him.
Q:  Isn’t gravel getting into your beige gardening slippers?-
“They’re Crocs and yes rocks get in but I stop every few miles and shake them out.”
Wow.  This guy was a beast.  It turns out that he competes in vertical marathons.  This guy runs up mountains in garden slippers for time.
I bought my beige Crocs at noon the next day.

I have always trained in indoor soccer shoes like Sambas.  Even with my excursion into Croc running, I personally have never fully committed to the barefoot lifestyle.  I fit into the much broader category of individuals who are intrigued by the idea.  Of those who enjoy the books and the blogs that trash the oppression of modern footwear technology but never totally follow those ideals into the filthy and sharp world of barefoot running.  I garden barefoot.  I sometimes deadlift barefoot.  I read books about barefoot running while barefoot but actually run barefoot?  No.  As I mentioned, it’s dirty and sometimes sharp out there.  I know my ancestors didn’t evolve in running shoes and barefoot is “natural” but so are sharks and hurricanes.  Furthermore my ancestors didn’t charge around on the refuse strewn pavement that our modern tribe does.
The topic of Barefoot running has several converging concepts from footwear and running mechanics to cultural and historical perspectives.    I have sat down to write this post dozens of times now and each time I go a different direction so I’m going to try and keep this simple.  This is the first of what will likely be many postings.  Rather than dive right into barefoot running, let’s start with comparing the merits of simple shoes  vs. the modern shoe.
For simplicity’s sake the “modern shoe” I refer to will be defined in this post as:  The shoe has an elevated and cushioned heel and pronation control features that can be tailored to foot type.
The “simple shoe” is anything from racing flats and Sambas to Vibrams.  Anything that protects the bottom of the foot without intentionally altering the motion of the foot.
Since the 70’s and the advent of Nike’s Swoosh, there has been a revolution in the running footwear industry.  We once had simple shoes that did nothing more than protect us from sharp

objects.  Four decades of technology and innovation have brought us motion control, arch support, inflatable parts-don’t forget the Reebok Pump, and heel cushions made of gel, air, foam and springs resulting in the modern running shoe.   The result:  nothing.  Today runners experience the same injury rate as they did before these technologies were introduced.

This broad sort of observational data can be misleading as industry advocates will point out.  There may be other factors at play such as the age, size and lifestyle of runners today vs those in the 70’s and before.  They will claim that modern shoes may be preventing what would otherwise be a large increase in running injuries- hard to prove.  Let’s get into some details and figure it out for ourselves.

This is a great topic because it is very difficult to demonstrate in a study the superiority of either barefoot/minimalist or the modern shoe. In my mind, the only way to demonstrate such superiority is to show a causative relationship resulting in greater injury prevention and improved performance. The data is there but great care must be taken in order to establish a causitive relationship. For instance an observational study that shows that those in worn shoes ran faster in a given race may do so because they run more often thus always having shoes that appear “worn.” Or, those same results may have been caused by the fact that people with injuries seek motion control shoes and it is the injury that is causitive, not the footwear.

Many intervention studies are flawed as well such as when a group of heel strikers is taught to run on the balls of their feet to see if they are faster and less prone to injury. Well they’re not faster and they often get hurt because in a short 2 week study they are thrown into taking the lion’s share of the impact in their untrained achillis tendon and gastrocs.  There are many clever studies out there that demonstrate a causitive relationship.  We’ll look at some that support and some that dismiss the utility of the modern running shoe.

The basic arguments for and against the modern shoe are as follows:
Proponents claim that the motion control shoe is necessary and helpful for those with severe pronation and other gait abnormalities.  This is a logical assumption but the data to support this claim is sparse.  I did however come across a study that indicates that the intervention of motion control shoes in severe over-pronators  lowers fatigue rates of certain muscles of the lower extremity (1).  This study does not demonstrate a reduced injury rate or improved performance but it is plausible that one could lead to another.
This is the perspective of Tim McConnell of West Seattle Runner who I briefly consulted with before writing this article.  He feels that “neutral” runners can get away with flats while pronators need more support.
1)    Proponents of simple shoes point out that there is no evidence that the careful assignment of specific motion control shoes has any effect on injury rates or improved performance. (4) This is hard to believe given the massive resources available to the Research and Development departments of companies such as Nike and Adidas. An example of one such study is a recent and very large study of Air Force recruits in Basic training showed that assigning personalized shoes based on a foot shape evaluation did not improve injury rates when compared to placebo. (5)

2)   It’s “natural” to run barefoot.
Again, it may be true that bare feet is natural but before you march your Reebok Pumps to your local shoe burning keep in mind that Leprosy is natural and so are poisonous berries.  Nature has more interests than your health and safety.  Until there is some data to sink our greedy little teeth into we’ll curb this line of logic under the “interesting but irrelevant” category.

3)    Proponents of cheap/simple shoes aslo point out the proprioceptive inhibition  of bulky footwear-
Anyone who suffers from chronic ankle sprains is aware of the importance of proprioception at the ankle.  Proprioceptive nerves tell your brain where your feet are when you are not looking at them.  Severe ankle sprains tear these nerves and they only grow back to their pre-injury state if rehabilitated with balance exercises.  Studies show that the relatively bulky modern shoe decreases the brain’s capacity to know where the foot is in space while running and the study points out that it is this decreased proprioception that leads to running injuries in later years.(3)
Proponents point out that the perceived level of impact is diminished while running in a heel cushioned shoe allowing a heel strike and a longer stride.
Advocates of flats, vibrums, barefeet etc.  point to the fact that the body has its own mechanisms for reducing impact that are retarded by the built up heel of the modern shoe.  There are several proposed mechanisms by which this happens.  Here are a few that I find most interesting:
1)       A recent study (2) by Kong et al compared ground impact forces of built up heels vs. lower heels in a novel and clever way.  They compared impact forces of new vs. worn shoes.  What I like about this study is its clever design allows us to eliminate a lot many distracting variables because these old shoes are the same in all ways except they are slightly lower profile and have a decreased capacity to absorb the impact of heel strike.  The findings:
“As shoe cushioning capability decreases, runners modify their patterns to maintain constant external loads. The adaptation strategies to shoe degradation were unaffected by different cushioning technologies, suggesting runners should choose shoes for reasons other than cushioning technology.”
So there you have it.  New shoes are no better than old worn-out shoes thus the modern shoe is a waste of money that robs you of your innate ability to run light as a deer right?  Not so fast.    The way that the lower extremity modifies to absorb the shock in the absence of adequate heel cushioning is by activating the gastroc and taking the impact through the achillis tendon.   Just ask the over eager reader who gets all excited after reading this article and goes out for a brisk 5k on the balls of their feet tomorrow how their achillis tendons feel.  It takes time to build up that strength.
So there.  Now we have it.  The modern shoe is superior because it allows us to expend our muscle energy running rather than mitigating impact forces.  We can finally put this issue behind us.  Again.  No. The fact that those muscles are at rest during the running stride may be what causes high impact forces and is the source of potential injury.
 Think of it like this:  if you get up off of your chair now, stand on your table or desk next to your monitor then jump to the ground you will probably be OK especially if you tense your muscles and brace for impact causing you to land quietly.  This is analogous to expending energy in stance phase of the gate in worn shoes.  If you instead attempt to “save energy” by strapping on some new shoes and step off the desk completely relaxed and land unbraced into your heels at impact, even a fall from that modest height will cause injury.  Another great analogy is anyone unfortunate enough to have done wallballs.  It feels great to rest with your arms by your sides while that #20 ball is falling toward you doesn’t it?  We all learn sooner or later that it is far less taxing to stay tensed and ready to decelerate that ball.
2)      This bracing phenomena occurs in the muscles of the lower leg and foot millimeters from the ground and is not present when wearing a modern shoe that prevents the bottom of the foot from ever getting close to the ground.  (6)  Tension in muscles at impact prevents vibration of those tissues and may decrease fatigue rates.  Thus the purpose and popularity of single-ply recovery suits in sports such as crossfit.
3)      Just the THOUGHT of heel support makes you a worse runner! (7)  This is the most interesting study I came across so I saved it for the end to reward you loyal barefoot blog readers:
Here is a summary of the study from
In 1997, Robbins and Waked (7) made people step onto a material that was the same as is used in the midsole of running shoes. They did this a number of times, but the difference was that they were either told that the material was a state-of-the-art cushion, with all the latest technology to minimize injury (they even drew graphs and made up fake endorsements from athletes), or they were warned that it was the same as the material used in cheap shoes, responsible for many injuries. This is the WARNING trial shown in the graph below. Effectively, they were evaluating how belief about cushioning affected impact.

    It turned out that when subjects thought they were landing on the soft, high-tech material (Deceptive trial), the impact forces were actually HIGHER than in the Warning trial when they expected the cheap and ineffective material. And barefoot had the lowest impact forces of all. The other amazing finding, as is shown in the graph above, is that in the barefoot and cheap material trials, the impact forces get lower and lower as the subjects repeat the step, which shows a learning effect that is not present in the ‘Deceptive’ trial where subjects thought they were landing on a soft material. So this is remarkable – it shows how an expectation of impact can actually alter impact, and again, it supports what Benno Nigg and others are saying about anticipation of impact, with the ability to adjust muscle activity to defend some other variable.

I had a similar experience yesterday at West Seattle Runner with owner Tim McConnell when he was gracious enough to let me try on nearly all of his shoes as research for this article.  His shop is a great one-stop shop for all of your pre-race needs.  I wish I would have gone in there for his super-powered gummies before my cheap shoe marathon experiment last month.  Anyway I tried all of his top-end modern shoes with novel forms of the raised cushioned heel and they felt great, like walking on a water bed, but I found that I ran differently in each pair.  These felt nothing like the flats I usually wear and I found myself relaxing my gastrocs and heel-striking hard to feel the cushy bounce of the gel sole.
I’d say that round one went to Cheap Shoes but this is not really a conclusion as much as a starting point.  If you are compelled to experiment with these ideas my advice is to take it slow.  If your feet are deconditioned by support shoes and a raised heel, it will take time for your body to develop the strength to become its own shock absorbing system especially in the achillis tendon and gastrocs.
I forwarded this posting on to a few friends in the shoe industry with the invitation to write a response posting or leave me a vigorous tongue lashing in the comments section so expect more to come on this topic. Your feedback as always is welcome in comments.
1)Am J Sports Med. 2010 Mar;38(3):486-91.

Motion control shoe delays fatigue of shank muscles in runners with overpronating feet.
Cheung RT, Ng GY.

2)Br J Sports Med. 2009 Oct;43(10):745-9. Epub 2008 Sep 18.


Running in new and worn shoes: a comparison of three types of cushioning footwear.
Kong PW, Candelaria NG, Smith DR.

University of Texas at El Paso, El Paso, TX, USA. ve******@ya***.com
3)Age Ageing. 1995 Jan;24(1):67-72.


Proprioception and stability: foot position awareness as a function of age and footwear.
Robbins S, Waked E, McClaran J.

Department of Mechanical Engineering, Concordia University, Montreal, Quebec, Canada.
Br J Sports Med. 2009 Mar;43(3):159-62. Epub 2008 Apr 18.

Is your prescription of distance running shoes evidence-based  Richards CE, Magin PJ, Callister R.

5)No effect of shoe/injury rate.  Am J Prev Med. 2010 Jan;38(1 Suppl):S197-211.
Effect on injuries of assigning shoes based on foot shape in air force basic training.
U.S. Army Center for Health Promotion and Preventive Medicine, Aberdeen Proving Ground, Maryland 21010, USA. jo***********
 Nature. 2010 Jan 28;463(7280):531-5.

Foot strike patterns and collision forces in habitually barefoot versus shod runners. Lieberman DE, Venkadesan M, Werbel WA, Daoud AI, D’Andrea S, Davis IS, Mang’eni RO, Pitsiladis Y.

7) Br J Sports Med.  1997 Dec;31 (4): 299-303
Hazard of deceptive advertising of athletic footwear.


Paleo Challenge Summer 2010

The official Challenge runs from July 12th through August 11th.

If you have to start late just run late and complete the 30 days.

To get started, email me at sk**********@gm***.com and I’ll send you a pdf of the food journal and schedule a time for you to get your body composition numbers for your before and after comparison.

There is a $10 buy-in for all participants and the money and prizes are divided among the winners.  There is a point system to quantify compliance and a before and after body-composition test to reward your training efforts as well.

This will be a running posting throughout the month.  Post your questions, recipes, and heart felt grievances to comments and I’ll post a reply.  When you come across a novel solution to a Paleo-Problem:  ie– “What on earth do I eat for breakfast when I am sick of eggs?”  or “Where do I get macha?”  or if you come across a good sale on meats at a local store please post that golden info to comments.  This challenge can be difficult at first but it is a LOT easier when we share ideas and do our best to keep our diets diversified.

New Balance Paleo-Challenge                                                           


What is Paleo?  What is Gluten, and why go through such an uncomfortable challenge?


Paleo is simple.   It is eating in a way that is congruent to your genetic needs.  You don’t have to hunt or gather.  No raw meat or foraging for huckleberries.  It is following a few simple rules:

                No grains, No Processed Foods, No Dairy, No Legumes (beans and peanuts), No Salt
The Paleo Diet is not a weight loss diet.  It has equal value for those trying to gain weight as to those trying to lose weight.  The strength of the Paleo Diet is in the quality of the foods you consume, not in the amount of calories you take in.  That is why it is not necessary to weigh or measure any of the meals we eat.
What is Gluten?
Gluten is the protein found in all grains. 
It is a mild to moderate irritant on the stomach lining and in those who are vulnerable (due to increased stress, decreased sleep etc.) can lead to a condition called “Leaky Gut”- see the August 09’ cover article in Scientific American:
Leaky gut is a condition when the intestinal lining is so damaged that gluten protein passes through the stomach wall into the bloodstream before they are even digested!  This results in inflammation as your body creates antibodies to these proteins to eliminate them from your bloodstream.  The more protein antibodies that your body creates, the greater the likelyhood of creating an antibody that attacks your own body’s protein.  This is the definition of an Auto-immune disease and is commonly referred to as Celiac Disease.  There are some who believe that this sort of reaction is responsible for a number of auto-immune disease.  For example- if your body creates an antibody for the mylin of your nerves the resulting damage is called Multiple Sclerosis.  This is not an elimination diet.  This is an insulin regulating diet that eliminates Gluten.  The purpose of this diet is two-fold:
1)       Lower blood insulin levels and increase insulin sensitivity
a.       Insulin is a master hormone.  Your insulin sensitivity determines:             
                                                               i.      If you will be lean or chubby
                                                             ii.      If you will live long or short
                                                            iii.      It’s pretty important.
2)      Remove Gluten from the diet to establish levels of gluten sensitivity which can lead to:
a.       General inflammation/ Pain also Leaky Gut and Auto-immune disease

New Balance Paleo-Challenge                                                           

A guide to Paleo Points:
This is a game that is scored like golf:  the lower your score the better.  That being said you can achieve huge gains without ever coming close to a zero.
Points are awarded for every deviation from the Paleo Diet at each meal/snack/bender and tallied for the day.  At the end of the month, the day’s tallies are totaled to give you your final Paleo-Score.
Organic foods are preferred but can be a financial stretch for many people.  They are always encouraged but no points will be added for non-organic foods.
Points Guide:
50 points for every serving (approximately a handful) of:
Gluten Grains, Dairy, Refined Sugar  this is the most important stuff to avoid- thus the 50 pointer.
Gluten Grains:
Slice of bread both white and wheat, ½ bagel, a pancake, slice of cake etc.
                Cereal, non- gluten free Oats, millet etc.  BEER.
Beer:  Each bottle, can, or Pint is worth 50  points!  
The only exception is Redbridge, a gluten-free beer by Anhieser Busch (they have them at the WestWood Village QFC)  those are only worth 10pts.
Refined Sugars:
                Candy, Cookies, Cakes, Artificial sweeteners- High Fructose Corn Syrup etc.
Dairy: Milk, Cheese, yogurt, Kiefer, Cottage Cheese etc.
10 points for every serving of:
NON-Gluten Grains, Starchy Vegetables, Non-Gluten Alcohol, Processed Foods/Meats, Food Coloring
                Ie- corn, potatoes, hot dog meat, pepperoni, gluten free breads, oats, rice, yellow #6 etc.
5 points for every serving of:
Natural Sweeteners  Agave, xylitol, raw honey etc.
Single pointers:  1 point-
Legumes:  That’s right all beans: soy, pinto, black, lentils, all of them even the dreaded peanut can mar your perfect scratch round of the paleo challenge.
Black Coffee, Quinoa
Salt- Condiments, Salted Meats- bacon, salted salmon, marinades etc.
100 point Extra-Bonus points will be added for the following heinous aberrations from all things Paleo:
McDonalds and GrandeFrappaMaciato, Pizza, pre-packaged foods with Trans Fat or hydrogenated oils.
The Common Sense Rule:
If you eat something that would have been inaccessible to your paleo-ancestors who were operating without sharp metal tools and fire- give yourself a point.
If you have a question about a specific food that I haven’t addressed, look at the ingredients list and add up the points.  Ie- Almond Milk.  This could be clean and zero points.  It could be 50 points or more.  It depends on what they use to sweeten and preserve that specific product.  If you are hoping to keep a scratch score, play it safe and make it yourself:  blend raw almonds and water. 
You can get around all of the above rules with packaged products that are largely processed.  That may be a significant step in the right direction for you at a level of comfort you are comfortable with.  If you feel you are too busy to do this challenge any other way then go the prepackaged route.  Just mark a point with it to document your level of compliance. 
Example:  tofu/mushroom noodles-   with a low sodium marinara from the jar.  5 points tofu and whatever you get for the additives in the sauce.

Example day:

How to earn 238 points in one day-
Breakfast (Total points 165)- Ham, Cheese, broccoli quiche (crust=50, cheese=50)  seven grain muffin- no butter (50 pts.) orange juice, non-gluten oatmeal with soy milk (15pts.)
Snack- Cliff Bar (10pts) -depends on ingredients
Lunch-Cesar Salad with water (cheese=50, salt=1)
Snack-apples and peanut butter (1pt)
Dinner- Chicken Fajita (1pt salt marinade) no tortilla, 1 shot of tequila with soda and lime (10pt)
Total Points: 238


New Balance Paleo-Challenge                                                           

Before you begin stock up:
Supplies List
 STEW, STEW, and STEW.  This is the only effective way of satiating the Carb hungry pizza/ sandwich cravings of the first couple weeks.  My favorites were of tuber base (rutabaga +turnip+parsnip+buffalo steak in a tomato base= Happy PaleoPerson.
  Stew is great until it is 95 degrees out.  The stew of Summer is the same ingredients on the grill or roasted in the oven.  Oven roast 2-5 of your favorite vegetables with a meat in herbs, spices, and olive oil.  A favorite example from last challenge was pork chops with apple slices, cinnamon sticks and brussel sprouts.
 Meat and Eggs!
                I prefer the Omega-3 eggs.
If you can get it unsalted and without sugar- Eat Jerky!!!  Beef, Buffalo, Salmon, Deer, Rattlesnake, Human, whatever! (special prize may be awarded for most unusual jerky consumption)
                Canned Salmon (Costco’s is MUCH better thanTrader Joe’s Wild salmon), tuna (low sodium in water), sardines etc.
                Have lots of chicken, buffalo, fish and other lean meats around both frozen and fresh
  Fruits and Vegetables
                Sacks of easy peeler oranges and little organic apples are your friends
                Bags of frozen broccoli and blueberries from TJ’s are lifesavers
                Unsweetened Apple Sauce
Dried figs, prunes etc. help with the sweet tooth.  No points for dried fruit but they are dense sugar sources so use with fats and proteins and in moderation.
  Nuts and seeds
                Walnuts, macadamias, cashews (raw and unsalted)  they are expensive if you plow into them as meals but they are so calorically dense that a small handful at a time should suffice- you’re going to want tins of these at arm’s reach 24 hours/day
 Quality fats and oils
                Walnut Oil
Coconut Milk (Thai Kitchen has no preservatives)            
Coconut oil- excellent for curries, high heat tolerant
                Flax Seed Oil
                Olive oil-  no salad is complete without tons of this on it
                Fish oil- .5-1 gram per day of DHA/EPA per 10 pounds body weight
Ie.- Dr. Pond weighs 180 pounds so he needs 9-18 grams/day of EPA/DHA.  In the product that we stock, that means 2-4 tbs./day.
 This won’t be fun without a solid supply of spices- double check that you are well stocked
                Curries, Basil, Dill, Tumeric, Coriander, Nutmeg, etc, etc.
J  Replace your beer supply with some Vodka and Tequila, wine- these are only 10 pointers so have them around for “cheat days”
Green tea is not a point gainer so find a good strong one (Macha will rock your socks off)
Quinoa is an essential quasi-grain.  Many challenges allow it on the grounds that is gluten free and is classified as a seed.  I’m giving it one point just to keep us from getting too lazy and going on a 30 day quinoa bender.  It can be used in the place of rice but I’ve never had quinoa sushi.
Don’ts —
Lock these up for the month-
                Lock them up- Whole grain breads, pastas, cereals, Rice, millet,  etc. etc.
                                The only “Good Carb” in the month of January is either a fruit or a veggie
All milks and cheeses are banished in January.  Get used to espresso!  \
As an alternative, try unsweetened almond milk.
Refined Sugars
                “Cookies?”  “No.”  ______“Cakes then?”  “No Zach, no cakes either and get rid of that Grizz.”


New Balance Paleo-Challenge                                                           

How to cook like a Cave Man:
For many of us this challenge will be a welcome opportunity to simplify in the kitchen.  For them, every meal will be a combination of the following equation:
meat + vegetable+ some kind of cooking oil+ spice + hot pan= FOOD
Get LARA BARS.  They are clean power bars (nuts and fruits)  sold at Trader Joe’s
For some (my wife) the thought of giving up complex and interesting meals for a month is unbearable.  She found the following website that has TONS of options and recipes that meet the Paleo parameters 
Here you will find recipes to make your own low sodium condiments also breads, pancakes, muffins and the like using nut meals (make these by roasting raw nuts and grinding them into a meal using a sharp food processor)
Here is an example from the site that my wife made last summer:
We made it with macadamia/cashew butter and they are pretty good.  It would have been even better with fresh blueberries or dried apricots though.  Add cinnamon for flavor too.
Almond muffins
1 cup almond butter
1 cup sliced raw almonds
1 cup pure coconut milk
2 cups shredded unsweetened coconut
3 eggs
Beat and pour in muffin cups.  Cook at 400 for 15 minutes. also has recipes for low salt, homemade ketchup and salad dressings.
Replacements and Recipe ideas:
Vinegar:  No need.  We’re allowing vinegar.   I know, it is fermented but we can’t put the cork back in the bottle on this one so apple cider, balsamic etc.-enjoy.
Butter:  I was recently asked how to get away from using butter.  If you are using it for cooking that’s easy, substitute it with olive, walnut, canola, flax seed, avocado oil or coconut oil depending on the taste you are going for.  In this case it was being used for flavor over steamed carrots.  No need to replace the butter on this one.  Instead of flavoring bland steamed veggies, try pan frying or oven roasting your vegetables with onions, garlic, olive oil, balsamic vinegar, black pepper and other spices.  You’ll never go back to steamed. 
Salt:  This is everywhere.  Have you noticed?  If you are preparing food from home you can avoid salt by using:  21 season salute (a Trader Joe’s product),  Powdered garlic, powdered onion, lemon juice, lime juice, lemon crystals, lemon pepper free of salt, cayenne pepper, chili powder, commercially available salt-free spice mixes such as TJ’s 21 season salute, black pepper, cumin, turmeric, ground cloves, oregano, ground allspice, celery seeds, coriander seeds, ground cardamom seeds, or any spice or combination of spices can be used to replace salt. I do not recommend using any of the so-called “lite” salts or potassium chloride salts because chloride, like sodium, is undesirable when it comes to your health. Braggs liquid Aminos (still get a point on this because it is processed from soy but is very low sodium compared to table salt) 
Breakfast:  For those of us who are unwilling to let go of the “breakfast foods” notion here are a few ideas in a pinch:
Almond Flour Pancakes (cook down some frozen berry blends for a syrup)
Breakfast Smoothie (anyone else like raw eggs?)

Carrot Banana Muffins- These look well worth the one salt point- or leave the salt out.  is my favorite inline resource.  This site has a lot of unique condiment recipes for making your own ketchup, mayonnaise, dressings etc.      This site has a huge selection for the adventurous types.  You’ll need Arrowroot and nut flours/meals (ground almond, walnut etc.)  You can buy the arrowroot and almond flour from PCC on California Ave.  Or you can make your own almond and walnut flours and meals in your grinder at home from fresh unsalted nuts.

What Happens when a strength althlete runs 26.2 miles?

Rock ‘N’ Roll Timeline:

December 12th 2009- The last time I ran further than a mile- At that time it was as far as I’d ever run: 5 miles for time down 48th to Lowman Park.

October- February 2010- Began training in earnest for the Crossfit Games. Read Mark Rippetoe’s Starting Strength, and Practical Programming. Abandoned all cardio conditioning and focused on my barbell weakness with Texas method linear progressions on all major lifts.

March 2010-Present- After the NW Crossfit Sectionals, began training at Crossfit West Seattle in a strength cycle that runs at 100% intensity for <20 durations. Runs kept under 800 meters and usually loaded down with heavy awkward objects.

May 2010- Got crazy idea to attempt the Rock N Roll Marathon in June- Looked into it- sold out already- forgot about it.

Thursday, June 24th- Research for a blog posting on barefoot running and cheap shoes- Planted seeds in my mind that will later cause me significant physical discomfort.

6 am Friday, June 25th (three days ago)- Participate in my Friday morning patient metcon (The Sevens: 7 rounds for time- 7 #60 d-bell thrusters on each side/ seven inverted burpees.) After which a friend talks me into baniditing/stealing the marathon the next day. (Thanks Jimbo)

Noon Friday, June 25th-  Score a marathon bib for $50 on craigslist.

  • Seriously consider acquiring “running gear.” 
  • Stop by CFWS for support: bought a book to record heavy lifting in. What was I here for again? 

7-11pm, Friday June 25th- Date night with Alicia: Nachos, margarita, and Shutter Island.

The Run

7am Saturday, June 26th- Run the Rock N’ Roll with a goal of 4 hours. Someone told me that was “good” and I’m “good” right?

  • The same cheap Nike indoor soccer shoes that I’ve been training in for the last 6 months
  • A sleeveless Pineapple Classic shirt
  • Awesome knee-high tube socks  

Mile 1-5: Awesome.

Mile 6-10: New PR for distance ran. Trochanter and TFL pain. Still tolerable but noticeably less awesome.

Mile 11-14: Severe foot pain. Experience violent mood swings, bipolar peaks of ecstasy and agony. Re-evaluate my life and abandon initial delusional goals of a 4 hour finish.

New goal: Keep running.

Mile 15: Significant hunger and desperation. Physical and emotional distress. Saved by angel with salvation in a large shining bowl of Gummie Bears.

Mile 16-20: Fight my way uphill joyously chewing gummies.

Mile 21: Locking cramps set in: lose all motor control of my lower
extremities. Develop a new gait- Zombie/ Frankenstein/ Ben Johnson. Begin to receive concerned looks and frantic encouragement from strangers.

Mile 23.5: Break down and walk for the first time.

Mile 24-26: Uphill? Seriously? Head down. Elbows out bull rush for the finish line. This was a super-slow motion bull rush though. (Picture a geriatric power walker chasing down an adversary who has stolen their orthopedic shoes.)

Mile 26: While geriatricbullrushing down the hwy 99 off-ramp toward the finish line, catch inspiration from a WAY FIRED UP Sean O’Donnell.

11:30am, Saturday, June 25th- Finish in 4 hours, 30 minutes, 12 seconds- engulfed by medical staff “Really I’m fine.” who promptly quarantine me in the medical tent as if buffoonery were a contagious disease.

11:31am, Saturday, June 25th- Swear-off cardio forever. Look forward to returning to strength program when I can walk again.

Monday June 28th- Ice feet and heinous blisters continuously. Write ridiculous time-line blog and plan for next act of physical buffoonery/ marathon.

Conclusion #1: The Crossfit Football style training that we do at CFWS is sufficient cardiovascular conditioning to do anything.

Conclusion #2: Just because you can do something doesn’t mean you should.

Conclusion #3: My gym needs Gummie Bears.

What to keep in your gym-bag after you realize that Advil is not a vitamin:

What to put in your cupboard after you clear out the NSAIDs? If you are the type who depends on Ibuprofen for sprains/strains and headaches, start with Proteolytic Enzymes or Pancreatic Enzymes such as Wobenzyme N (which you can find at Pharmaca), or Intenzyme Forte by Biotics Research Corp. This company is not open to the general population. I can place an order on your behalf at your request. These products are combonations of digestive enzymes such as amylase, lipase, protease, trypsin, chymotrypsin and bromelain. Some people use these enzymes to help boost their body’s digestive potency when taken with food but this posting is focused on the ability of these enzymes to combat inflammation in an acute setting when taken on an empty stomach.

Bromelain’s theraputic properties include: (1) interference with growth of malignant cells; (2) inhibition of platelet aggregation; (3) fibrinolytic activity; (4) anti-inflammatory action; (5) skin debridement properties. (J Ethnopharmacol. 1988 Feb-Mar;22(2):191-203.)

Bromelain has been shown in a recent 2008 study to decrease neutrophil migration to sites of acute inflammation. What that means is that this is what you want to have in your gym bag when you injure yourself training or at an event and you want to give yourself your best chance at rapid recovery. The 2002 review article by Maurer does a great job of explaining the biochemistry of proteolytic enzymatic activity anti-tumor and anti-inflammatory effects.

Toxicity and Contraindications
Allergy to pineapple
Proteolytic/Pancreatic Enzymes have a potential anti-coagulant effect so they are not advised if you are having surgery or if you are already taking an anti-coagulant medication

Dosage and Administration
Bromelain can be used in isolation and has a dose-dependent effect. Doses as small as 200mg per day have been demonstrated in a study by Walker et al to be effective treatment of osteoarthritis. Acute inflammation responds well to doses as large as 400mg taken 3 times throughout a day. Most products are a polyenzyme preparations consisting of pancreatin, bromelain, papain amylase, trypsin etc. and dosage is determined by product. (Vasquez, Integrative Rheumatology)

Additional Information
Some studies have shown Proteolytic Enzymes to have enhanced effect when taken with 500mg Citrus Bioflavinoids. The research on these alternatives is not performed as often as with mainstream drugs but I recommend these as your first line of defense for life’s aches and pains because they are an effective, safe alternative to NSAIDs that help you to feel better but often at the expense of your own long-term health and strength.

The research on bromelain’s effect on headaches is sparse. There were some studies that looked promising for the treatment of acute sinusitis but they were performed in the 60’s with little follow-up. Will pancreatic enzymes knock-out a headache like an Advil liquid-gel? Usually not, but what do you have to lose by treating proteolytic enzymes as your first line of defense? At a minimum you are decreasing your systemic inflammation, improving your digestion and possibly decreasing your chances of tumor growth. You can’t say that about liquid-gels.

NSAIDs Kill Tens of Thousands of People Per Year and Weaken the Joints They are Meant to Protect.

A wise man once said that as much as of 50% of what we call “fitness” may be pain tolerance. This may be true. In life it is sometimes necessary to continue on long after we exceed our comfort zone in order to do what we must. Whether you are a working person (kids or job) or an athlete we all have times that we do not “listen to our bodies.” We have those critical moments when we tell our bodies to shut their yaps and do as they are told. Anyone who has run 400 meters for time or has risen for a 5th time in the night to care for the needs of a child knows what I am saying. Whenever you push your body beyond its previous limits, it sounds the alarm. That sensation that your blood is on fire or that you are so tired that you feel stuck to the bottom of the ocean- that is your body panicking, having a tantrum: “STOP. YOU ARE CRAZY. YOU ARE GOING TO KILL US.” With training and experience we become familiar with this warning and decipher true alarms from the pangs of exertion.

The point to all of this is that we all bite off more than we can chew at times and in order to cope with the pain of injury or growth we do what we must to continue on with life. Most people reach without thinking for a bottle of NSAIDs to ease the pain. What do you reach for when you are in pain?

Disclaimer: I am not a pharmacist or a medical doctor. I do not prescribe drugs nor do I recommend changes to prescriptions that I don’t make. If you are self medicating with NSAIDs I’m about to give you some good reasons to stop. If they were prescribed to you, I’m going to give you some good reasons to discuss the necessity and safety of that prescription with your physician.

NSAID stands for nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. The most common over the counter versions that many of us have in our cupboards are Ibuprofen, Aspirin, Aleve, Motrin etc. These drugs act by counteracting the Cycloxygenase (COX) enzyme that produces prostaglandins that begin the body’s inflammation cycle which is the first stage of injury repair. Most people self-medicate common aches and pains or mild fevers with NSAIDs but they are also prescribed for cardio-protective and anti-inflammatory purposes. The intended effects of NSAID use are decreased pain and swelling.

The less desirable effects include:

Promotion of bone necrosis, cartilage destruction, and prolonged tissue healing time:
This is the horrible and ironic byproduct of NSAID use. The very joints that these drugs are effective at relieving the pain of inflammation in the short-term are degraded and weakened in the long-term. The mechanism of action is the interference by NSAIDs on chondrocyte function and thus cartilage formation within synovial joints.(7,3) This is likely the reason why NSAID use slows tissue healing time in athletes with severe muscle strains.(6) Think that over the next time you have a sore muscle. You can have relief from the bottle in the cabinet but it is relief on credit. It is relief that makes you weak and vulnerable to future injuries.

Gastric Ulceration and gastrointestinal bleeding: Nearly all NSAIDs promote gastric ulceration and gastrointestinal bleeding. Endoscopic studies indicate that among people who chronically use NSAIDs, up to 30% will develope gastroduodenal ulceration.(3,4) Conservative calculation estimates that approximately 107,000 patients are hospitalized annually for NSAID-related gastrointestinal (GI) complications. According to a research review article by Singh (5) 16,500 NSAID related deaths occur annually among arthritis patients alone.(3) There are no reliable warning signals for impending serious GI complications. – >80% of patients with serious GI complications had no prior GI symptoms and currently, limiting NSAID use is the only way to decrease the risk of NSAID-related GI events. (5)- These effects are compounded by the co-administration of or chronic use of alchohol.

Increased intestinal permeability due to damaged mucosa- “Leaky Gut” contributes to many rheumatic and musculoskeletal disorders by promoting the formation of immune complexes that are deposited into synovial tissues causing local inflammatory responses within the joints. (2,3) Anyone familiar with the Paleo Diet and the adverse effects of gluten on the small intestine is well aware of the importance of a patent intestine. For more information see my posting titled The New Balance Paleo Challenge: 30 Uncomfortable Days to Define Your Optimal Nutrition.

Kidney Disease: Chronic NSAID use is a critical risk factor in renal failure. (8,3)

Liver Disease: Liver disease is not as common in NSAIDs but is prevalent with Tylenol (Acetaminophen) this damage is especially likely when Tylenol is used with alcohol. The take home here is that Tylenol is not an acceptable solution for a hangover.

*All of the previously stated side-effects are compounded by the co-administration of alcohol or the chronic use of alcohol.

Inflammation is a necessary step in the tissue healing process- it is how broken materials are cleared out of the area before new tissues are laid down. That being said, the healing process is faster and more effective when this step is reigned in. In an on-line lecture Kelly Starette recently likened the degree of inflammation that the body mounts in a common injury to ripping a building down to its foundation to begin the process of fixing a small dent in one of the walls. This excessive and reactionary response was likely useful and necessary for our ancestors who had no access to sterile dressings or clean hot water to manage possible infection that often comes with tissue damage.

So what to do to reign in the inflammation process and speed healing time without the harmful and counterproductive effects of NSAIDs? Stay one step ahead of acute inflammation with an anti-inflammatory lifestyle that includes: Paleo Nutrion and regular supplementation of fish oil and glucosamine sulfate.

Prevention is key but sometimes sprains and strains happen. Then what?
The inflammatory phase of the tissue healing process lasts approximately 72 hours. For quicker healing times and stronger recovery from injury, follow a combination of these suggestions for the initial 3 Days post-injury:

1) Ice. Yes ice. It is almost too simple to take seriously, but seriously, take ice. You know the routine, now use it. That muscle that is sore after a workout/ game/ bout with lawn maintenance- ice it down through a towel for 20 minutes of every hour for the first 3 days following injury. If you are unwilling to make the time for icing try ice massage instead. It only takes 5 minutes of rubbing an ice cube directly into the injured area to achieve the effect of 20 minutes passive icing through a towel. While you’re at it, you may as well compress and elevate the area as well.

2) What to put in your cupboard after you clear out the NSAIDs? Start with Proteolytic Enzymes such as Bromelain. Bromelain has been shown in recent studies to have measurable anti-inflammatory effects for acute injury (9,10) and the only major side-effect for those without pineapple allergies is an anti-tumor and anti-cancer effect. (11,12)

There are several other well researched and well established herbal and natural anti-inflammatory products on the market but each deserves its own posting. Look out for future postings on Citrus Bioflavinoids, Boswellia, and Arnica etc. to guide you in the acquisition and administration of your own gym bag injury kit.

(1) Brandt KD. J Rheumatol Suppl. 1991 Feb;27:120-1. The mechanism of action of nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drugs.
(2)Inman RD. Antigens, the gastrointestinal tract, and arthritis. Gheum Dis Clin North Am. 1991 May; 17(2): 309-21
(3) Vasquez, Alex. Integrative Rheumatology 2007 :147
(4) Blower AL. Scand J Rheumatol Suppl. 1996;105:13-24; discussion 25-7. Considerations for nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug therapy: safety.
(5) Singh G. Am J Med. 1998 Jul 27;105(1B):31S-38S. Recent considerations in nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug gastropathy.
(6) S Afr Med J. 1995 Jun;85(6):517-22. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs fail to enhance healing of acute hamstring injuries treated with physiotherapy.
(7) Brandt KD. Am J Med. 1987 Nov 20;83(5A):29-34. Effects of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs on chondrocyte metabolism in vitro and in vivo.
(8) Segasothy M Br J Rheumatol. 1995 Feb;34(2):162-5. Chronic nephrotoxicity of anti-inflammatory drugs used in the treatment of arthritis.
(9) Walker AF, Bundy R, Hicks SM, Middleton RW Phytomedicine. 2002 Dec;9(8):681-6. Bromelain reduces mild acute knee pain and improves well-being in a dose-dependent fashion in an open study of otherwise healthy adults.
(10)Walker JA, Cerny FJ, Cotter JR, Burton HW. Med Sci Sports Exerc. 1992 Jan;24(1):20-5. Attenuation of contraction-induced skeletal muscle injury by bromelain.
(11) Chobotova K, Vernallis AB, Majid FA Bromelain’s activity and potential as an anti-cancer agent: Current evidence and perspectives. Cancer Lett. 2010 Apr 28;290(2):148-56. Epub 2009 Aug 22. Review.
(12) Bhui K, Prasad S, George J, Shukla Y. Bromelain inhibits COX-2 expression by blocking the activation of MAPK regulated NF-kappa B against skin tumor-initiation triggering mitochondrial death pathway.
Cancer Lett. 2009 Sep 18;282(2):167-76. Epub 2009 Mar 31.

Glucosamine Sulfate and Chondroitin Sulfate: The Promotion of Cartilage Regeneration

Six years ago, for my 25th birthday my wife sent me on a ski trip with friends. A trip which I took as an opportunity to research the process of injury and recovery. After overshooting the landing on a tabletop and fracturing my right scaphoid and dislocating my lunate, I was left with two large pins stabilizing my wrist for the following four months.

Joints do not like to be immobilized. The hyaline cartilage that prevents bone on bone contact in synovial joints lacks any direct blood supply. It depends on regular compression and decompression to act as a pressure pump that draws blood from the surrounding chondrocytes. Because of this, even in ideal situations where the scaphoid heals well and the articulation with the lunate is restored, severe cartilaginous degeneration and resulting arthritis is a likely long-term outcome from this sort of trauma.

With my hobbies, goals, and livelihood I am well aware that it is worth the minimal investment to get the right nutrition and supplementation to give me my best opportunity to have wrists that are both mobile and pain free.

Glucosamine Sulfate is marketed for its promotion of cartilage regeneration. Glucosamine is not necessarily a building block for cartilage in your synovial joints but it along with Chondroitin stimulate the synthesis of glycosaminoglycan, proteoglycan and hyaluronic acid, which are the “building blocks” of joint cartilage. Recent studies have shown that glucosamine sulfate 500 mg TID (3 times per day) and/or Chondroitin Sulfate 1200mg are effective treatments for joint degeneration and pain seen in osteoarthritis.(1) They have also been shown to be as effective and safer than Ibuprofen in the treatment of knee pain.(2)

I have supplemented Glucosamine Sulphate and fish oil for the past several years and they seem to have helped my recovery. I now experience nearly full ranges of motion and my wrist causes me only minimal discomfort and only when I push it into full weight bearing extension during presses and handstands. That being said, as with all things nutrition I recommend you try for yourself and see if it works for you. If you have a demanding physical lifestyle and pain that localizes to a particular joint try 8 weeks of glucosamine/chondroitin supplementation. There is an anti-inflammatory effect that is useful in the short-term, but do not judge this product’s effect until you give it at least 8 weeks. That’s how long it will take to have an effect on cartilage regeneration.

Toxicity and Contraindications:
Glucosamine is derived from shellfish sources so beware if you have a known allergic reaction to shrimp, crab or lobster.
Dosage and Administration:
Glucosamine Sulfate: 1500 mg divided into 3 seperate 500mg doses (1500mg TID)
Chondroitin Sulfate: 1200 mg
Can be taken with or without food.

Additional Information:
Stay away from HCl. The cheaper products on the market are typically bound to HCl instead of Sulfate (Glucaosamine HCl/ Chondroitin HCl) It is cheaper to produce this way and the product MAY be just as effective but the above research and major studies that validate the use of Glucosamine /Chondroitin were done with Sulfate bound supplements.

Should I take Glucosamine alone or compounded with Chondroitin?
Some studies show that these two products have a cumulative effect. I have seen studies that show Glucosamine to be just as effective on its own. The important thing to remember when selecting the supplement is dosage; many compounded products will water down the amounts of each supplement to get more names on the label. If you find something that has both and they are both bound to sulfate, and the dosages add up, go for it. Otherwise keep it simple and stick with Glucosamine Sulfate alone.

(1)– Alex Vasquez, N.D., D.O.,D.C. Integrative Rheumatology Pg. 449
(2)– Muller-Fassbender H. Bach GL, HasseW, Osteoarthritis Cartliage. 1994 March;2 (1) 61-9

Track and Field for All

It has recently been brought to my attention that there is an “All Comers” Track and Field community here in the Northwest. This is an opportunity for people of all ages and backgrounds to compete against their peers at anything from triple jump to discus. From long jump to 1500m sprint, it is all there for you for a paltry $5 entry fee. They will be held every Wednesday for the following 12 Wednesdays at Shoreline District Stadium • NE 185th & 5th NE • Shoreline, WA. You can also buy a season’s pass for $30.

42nd Annual Club Northwest Summer All Comers Track and Field Series!!!! See you there.

For more information about upcoming events and challenges like Crossfit West Seatte’s Pipe Hitter’s Classic, follow the Events and Challenges link off of the main page.

Paleo Frosty

The number one problem that people on the paleo challenge struggle with is getting that sweet tooth under control. I feel your pain. Three days into my first challenge I felt like I would rather eat my own shoes than eat another salad. Enter the Paleo Frosty. This is NOT a pre or post workout shake. This is what you turn to after dinner when you start to here the siren song of Cupcake Royale.

This thing is loaded with natural fats and sugars. Several sugar starved cave people have told me that it is the best shake they’ve ever had. Of coarse this is akin to having the best saltine of your life after not eating for 2 weeks. Just the same, it scratches the itch and keeps you from falling off the paleo-wagon and depending on how you are scoring your challenge, can cost zero points against your caveman cred.

The Paleo Frosty:
1 can coconut milk. (I prefer the regular milk but some can only handle the low fat)
2-3 whole pitted dates (all the sugar, none of the points!)
5 ice cubes
1.5 Tablespoons baking cocoa- the unsweetened bitter stuff

That is the base I add cashew butter sometimes and frozen fruits are solid too.

Put it all in a food processor or a burly blender and serve it in a champagne glass.

"Do you know how much teeth weigh? I lost 4 pounds on the scurvy diet!"

Sit Up Straight! The Brugger Relief Position isThe World’s Best Micro Break


Does the picture of the guy in the headband look familiar? If you have a job it probably does. We live our lives in flexion. We wake up. We drive to our place of business and we hunker down over our work and drive home after a long day to have a meal and fall into a comfortable piece of furniture.

Whether you suffer from a stiff back and tight shoulders or you are an athlete who has difficulty maintaining lumbar extension during a heavy deadlift, intervening on this chronically flexed lifestyle will make you stronger, decrease your frequency of injury and help you remain strong and mobile into your later years.

In addition to causing aches and pains and diminishing the strength and functionality of the spine, increased thoracic kyphosis (flexion) is associated with increased mortality rates and subjective poor health in elderly populations. *

OK- I think you get the point now that slouching isn’t good but your mom has been telling you that for decades to no avail. What is useful about this posting is the solution: The Brugger Relief Position as pictured below is your tool to have balanced biomechanics in the context of your imbalanced lifestyle. This position is not intended to be held all day. It is a vigorous static exercise meant to tip the scale of your equilibrium back to neutral: 2 hours in a passive flexed position + 20 seconds in active extension = Balance.

Here’s how it works:
Best results when performed hourly (try setting your outlook calendar to remind you), or 8x per day and held for 20 seconds each bout.


1) Actively engage the muscles of your foot arches by pressing your toes down and scrunching the aches of your feet up and off of the arch support in your shoes.

2) Push your hips back.

3) Drive your chest forward. The image to use here is a hollowed back as though sitting against a beach ball.

4) With your elbows at your sides, rotate your hands away from your body and supinate your hands (turn them all the way upwards)- remember, this is not a relaxation position. This is work. That is why 20 seconds of effort can neutralize hours and even days of destructive habits.

5) While gazing directly forward, pull your chin back into your neck. When done correctly this will give you the appearance of having up to four chins.

6) This is the most important part; Lower Your Shoulders. They won’t go far, maybe a quarter inch down. You will know when you have it when you feel the muscles below your shoulder blades feel tight and crampy. You’ll also feel a stretch that goes up to the base of the skull.

7) Start from the bottom at your feet and redouble your efforts to push a little further with each step. You can always go a little further.

This is the best micro break around and it is effective even when only held for a moment. It directly addresses and counters the postural strains that had you needing a break in the first place. What I like about it is that it changes your posture without you having to consciously “sit up straight.” It changes the tone of your muscles so that through sustained efforts over time your natural resting posture is stronger and more erect.

*Environmental Health and Preventive Medicine
Publisher Springer Japan
ISSN 1342-078X (Print) 1347-4715 (Online)
Issue Volume 12, Number 6 / November, 2007

Fish Oil- Believe Me Now and Listen To Me Later.

Let’s start from the end and work our way back here-
If you are a person you should take a fish oil supplement. Good. I’m glad we have that covered. The following paragraphs will explain how much to take. A future posting will explore the fats debate in detail but in the immortal words of Hans and Franz: “Believe me now and listen to me later.”

How Much Do I Need To Take Per Day?
Disregard the label on your supplement. Serving sizes are not determined by physiologic need, they are determined by price. Ever notice that a serving size almost always amounts to 1$/ day regardless of the supplement?

This is how much you should take per day:

There are two ends of this spectrum.  At one end is the minimal daily dose of a teaspoon per day of whatever is in the product you bought.  This dose has a proven cardiovascular benefit and should be considered your buy-in.  The other end of the spectrum is promoted by the likes of Robb Wolf and has added benefit for tissue healing, fat ratio balancing, is anti-inflammatory and is especially useful in high stress situations.  The following is how you determine your high end intake:

Between .5 Gram to 1 gram per day for every 10 pounds of body weight. If you are demanding on your body either from heavy training and high stress load or from deficient sleep your body requires the higher 1 Gram per 10 pounds body weight. (Robb Wolf) When I say .5-1 gram I do not mean one gram of “total fat.” I mean one gram of EPA/DHA. That’s the good stuff. (1000 mg=1gram)

If you are confused because your product is measured in ml’s instead of mg’s then dig a little deeper. You are probably looking at the number at the top of the label under “Serving Size.” That number is not of interest because it is a volume measurement that includes flavoring agents etc. Follow along with the label below:

For your typical crossfitter or other highly active 180 lbs. individual the calculation looks like this:
1 gram/10lbs body weight= 18 grams/day.
For your average sedentary or 3 days of cardio/ week type that is .5grams/10lbs = 9 grams/day

This is the Innate Choice Omega Sufficiency supplement facts label from the gel caps. That’s why there is a range.


I use Innate Choice in my office which is pure but not necessarily significantly different than market brands such as Carlson’s. Innate Choice smells good and does not degrade in the bottle so it’s the one I go with. My product has 4 grams “total fat” per teaspoon but total fat is not what we are interested in right? We want the good stuff: EPA/DHA so look further down the label under “Omega-3 Fatty Acids”

Per teaspoon (5ml) my product has:
825mg EPA/ 550mg DHA= 1375 mg= 1.375 grams per teaspoon.

For our 180 pound crossfit athlete to get 18 grams we divide 18 by 1.375 to determine the number of teaspoon sized servings he needs. This equals 13 teaspoons of fish oil per day. This would be obnoxious and who uses teaspoons anyway? So use 4.3 Tablespoons instead. (3 teaspoons= 1 Tbs.) Answer= 4.3 Tablespoons/day.

Your average person (Low stress load/ minimal training) requires half that amount: about 2 tablespoons per day.

This amount is not a problem as long as you can tolerate taking the oil straight without the gel cap which gets cumbersome quickly: To get the same amount of fish oil in 4.3 Tbs. from gel caps would require 52 caps per day!
So if you are a person, find a product that you like the taste of and follow the formula below.
(#pounds body weight divided by 10) times .5-1.0 grams= grams EPA/DHA per day.

For those of you who eat a lot of wild fish you can subtract the amount of omega-3’s that you get from your diet from the amount that you supplement. Every serving (3 oz. piece) of wild salmon has about 2 grams of omega-3 oils. Other seafood has about half that; 1 gram per 3 ounce portion. A three ounce serving is about the size of a deck of cards. That’s a little serving so you can get a significant amount from diet alone.

This equation is appropriate for anyone who weighs under 200 pounds.  If you do the math it starts to get out of control at higher body weights. Exercise some restraint and common sense. If your fish-oil bill competes with your mortgage payment you have a problem. It is most important to get started and to be consistent. A large randomized trial called the GISSI Prevention Trial demonstrated that 1 gram/ day regardless of body weight decreased 3 year mortality rates by 10%.