Posts by Skylar Pond
SODO chiropractor – Hip Pain Mobility
SODO chiropractor – Hip Pain Mobility
I find that internal rotation of the hip is a difficult position to achieve, particularly if the patient is struggling with knee pain. This modification of the Tactical Frog mobility (horrendous name) supports the knee with the contact on the floor. Try it out.
Seattle Sports Chiropractor Competes on Steve Austin’s Broken Skull Challenge Season two episode 1
What business does a 35 year old Seattle sports chiropractor have competing to be what Steve Austin calls “the toughest bad ass in America?” It’s not too much of a stretch really. In competitions like these, I put the guidance that I give my own patients to the test. Ideal biomechanics are the same whether you are lifting your car keys or a #220 competitor.
Dr. Pond
Lower Back Exercises and Prehab Seattle Sports Chiropractor
This is useful movement that I came up with by combining two common movements. The band tries to pull the bar path away from the shins and body forcing a reactive recruitment of the lower latissimus.
I call this move: Lower Back Exercises and Prehab Seattle Sports Chiropractor. HAHAHAHA! I made it up and I’ll call it what ever I want. Take that!
Banded Yates Row
Low Bear Lumbar Stability
Perfect Your Driving Position
The Baby Get Up for Midline Stabilitiy
The hollow body position is painful for many lower back injury progressions.  This partial baby get up is a great lateralization.  It also has a functional advantage for unilateral applications such as prepping for kettlebell or dumbbell snatches.  Give it a try.  Try holding 1 minute on/ 30 seconds off in each direction for 3 rounds.  Make sure to keep those feet off of the ground.  Balance your weight on your trochanter and only use the support of the elbow and scapula as much as is necessary.
Shoulder Chiropractor Seattle
Shoulder Chiropractor Seattle
I work with a lot of athletes who require tremendous speed and power in the overhead position. Â This is a way to incorporate speed and and all-important shoulder flexion lockout position into your band work.
Ballistic External Rotator Ball Throw
Airplane Hip Stability Pathways with Dr. Skylar Pond
Tibialis Anterior Stretch for Shin Splints