GOMAD: Gallon Of Milk A Day

 So what’s the best way to rebound from eating vegan for a month? Exactly. Drink a gallon of cheap whole milk every day and hope for the best.

The Plan
Drink 1 gallon of whole milk every day for 30 days or until I weigh #203 whichever happens first- My baseline weight is 191
Eat normally otherwise
Do a bodycomp and strength test before and after
 This is a common “diet” for aspiring football players or anyone else who desperately needs to get ridiculously large and bloated quickly. I’ve heard that it can be difficult to drain the entire gallon by sundown. Some use the strategy of keeping gallons everywhere: in the car, at the office, in your briefcase, under your pillow etc.

I’ve been at it for a week now.  My first day was rough. I started late in the day and tried to down the gallon during my lunch break. I think that physically I could have done it. What I failed to account for was the time needed for naps and long sour looks into the mirror. I came up one cup short of a gallon in 3 hours.

So to get you up to speed; eating vegan left me strong but battered. My body fat increased 33% in just 23 days taking me to a personal record of 13%.  My muscle mass dropped by four pounds. Those are ominous figures if I was to stick it out for the long haul. After the first 5 days of this GOMAD experiment my numbers all rebounded: back down to 10% bf and the 4 pounds of muscle came back.

So far so good.  The biggest challenge thus far has been one of storage.  I’m keeping a jug at the clinic, one at Crossfit and a couple at home.  I’m going  with the cheap stuff because I’m looking for growth right?  Why pass on the free growth hormone that conventional cattle are pumped full of?  I should probably get a full blood panel at the end of this one.

Skylar Pond

Dr. Skylar Pond is a sports medicine chiropractor in Seattle, Washington. sportsmednw.com