Seminar: Neck Strength For Brazilian Jiu Jitsu

Clinical Neck Strength:  The MMA Series

hosted by Dr. Skylar Pond at Ivan Salaverry MMA 

I was recently exposed to the world of brazilian jiu jitsu and like many others before me, I’ve been bitten by that bug.  To prepare for my latest appearance on Steve Austin’s Broken Skull Challenge, I turned to the expertise of the staff at ISMMA.  Grappling put its hooks in me.

Long after the BSR episode came and went, I kept coming back to ISMMA for more.   What began as a quick crash course in techniques to successfully throttle hillbillies in the desert on the Country Music Television network has turned into its own journey.

As is my habit, I jumped into Jiu Jitsu head first and have the opportunity to test prevailing rehab concepts first hand.  Through that process I’ve developed an approach to strengthening the neck and spine specific for the MMA and Jiu Jitsu athlete.



Sunday February 25th at Ivan Salaverry MMA.

230 8TH AVE. N. SEATTLE, WA 98109



Provided for Ivan Salaverry MMA members.  Contact for availability if not a member.

Skylar Pond

Dr. Skylar Pond is a sports medicine chiropractor in Seattle, Washington.