Sandbag Squat For Youth Strength and Conditioning
This version of the Sandbag Squat can be used for strength work in a Greyskull LP fashion with one weight across a 5,5,5+ set. Â Also use it in a conditioning context by using this grip as a weighted carry 50 feet directly into a set of 10 Sandbag Goblet Squats and returning for a round. Â 5 rounds. Â Rest as needed between rounds.
Sandbag Cleans – Explosive Power for youth athletes
The sandbag clean is an accessible and effective alternative to our typically programmed barbell and kettlebell cleans and snatches. Â Explosive hip extension is the cornerstone of the rugby tackle, football tackle, the vertical leap and in the force generator through the stance leg in kicking in sports such as soccer.
Emphasize two speeds in this movement:
First- “Lap” the sandbag by pulling it past the knees and into the hips.
Second- Propel the bag to the shoulders with an explosive extension of the hips through the bag.
You can go “touch and go” as demonstrated above, or drop from the top.
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The Three Stretches You Should Avoid After a Car Accident
After a car accident muscles progressively shorten and tighten in the days that follow. Â It is a protection mechanism that the body uses to guard against the next possible unexpected impact. Â Most patients mistakenly take that sensation of “tightness” as sign that prolonged stretching is needed. Â In reality, those tissues were likely injured by excessive stretching and the last thing that will help them is more stretching. Â What is needed is a medical examination, a diagnosis and a comprehensive treatment plan including massage and progressive active range of motion and exercise.
If you google searched “neck stretches” the following three stretches were in the top post listed:
These 3 stretches would aggravate the typical auto accident whiplash by compressing the spine and pulling injured tissues that are trying to heal.
To initiate self-care, instead of stretching, mobilize.  Work your spine through the range of full, pain-free active range of motion.  Also, begin to reintegrate spinal stabilizing musculature.  Begin with Cat-Camel, Quadruped and Dead bug.
Even what appears to be a minor injury from a car accident can result in permanent changes to the spine so be sure to have an experienced staff perform a full medical exam as one of your first steps of action following a car crash.
Assault – Studies show that it won’t help you 1RM but it could help you PR your Fran.
Many CrossFit types dabble in pre-workout to get mentally (or physically?) prepped for heavy 1RM lifts. Â The attached studies surprisingly demonstrate that the caffeine laden supplement has no impact on 1RM bench press, leg press, vertical jump or medicine ball put (MBP). Â These are all measures of 1RM power output.
The supplement did however, measurably improve Anearobic capacity and delayed muscle fatigue in submaximal bench press, leg press, and in the Wingate Anaerobic Power Test, and intermittent anaerobic running capacity.  Check the linked studies.  While they lack a large sample size, 13 is considered to be large enough to yield reliable information and they have the proper controls in place.
Study Link #1–Â assault-improves-muscular-endurance
Study Link #2–Â assault-study
New Study Shows Peak Muscle Activation at 90 Degree Squat
The elephant in the room is that this study was performed using isometric maximal effort squats rather than a dynamic range of motion.  If these findings are only relevant in static positions, the concepts could be useful in the post-surgical setting.
If what is true for these isometric findings holds true for dynamic motion, it would direct box height selection in Box Squats as well as point out the need for some athletes to cultivate additional recruitment at end range. Â Perhaps the use of Pause Squats or 1 and 1/4 squats at full depth for athletes (olympic lifters) who find themselves at angles approaching 140 degrees flexion.
Also, this could validate the use of partial depth squats and walkouts at above 1RM weight. . . interesting. . .
Here’s the link to the full text article-
Standing Clam Shell for Knee Sweep in the Squat
Standing Clam Shell for Knee Sweep in the Squat
The side lying clam shell is a basic and sometimes necessary step in the hip rehab process. Do not stop there though. Progressive resistance and squat stance positioning keep this activation drill relevant as access to glute medius and minimus improves.
Sports Chiropractor Shoulder Rehab Seattle
Sports Chiropractor Shoulder Rehab Seattle
My favorite hobbies of crossfit, kettlebelling, tussling my children and moving my patients can be hard on the body. Especially with a history of a torn right labrum. See LINK. I understand the importance of ongoing shoulder stability rehab as well as anybody. Life and training do get busy so it is critical to integrate shoulder rehab as seamlessly as possible into your existing strength training and accessory work. This modified banded face pull is best used as a series of long fast reps not to exceed 100 total. Add this in after max effort shoulder training days and see your shoulders recover faster and your lifts improve.
Barbell Alternative to Side Plank
The Barbell Alternative to Side Plank should be used in two separate sessions per week, two sets each day. Over the course of 6 weeks, add weight each week and stay within the 30-45 second time domain on each set.
Knee Pain and the Kipping Handstand Pushup
If your knee is hurting after last week’s 16.4 workout, don’t be so quick to blame the wall balls.  Your kipping handstand pushups may be to blame. Â
When an athlete does a good job of recruiting the hips in the hspu kip, a violent end range knee extension at lockout is the result.  This differs from the crisp knee extension in other movements such as the kettlebell swing because the lower extremity meets no resistance making it an open chain movement with with zero resistance to guide the normal screw-home mechanism of the tibia.  The result can be repetitive hyperextension of the knee through the course of say 55 handstand pushups.  Add the fact that leaning into the wall to achieve a legal rep further levers the knee into extension, and it should be no surprise that many athletes are limping their way into week 5 of this year’s Open. Â
Biomechanics of knee extension in hspu-
The likely source of knee pain following a set of kipping handstand pushups is the anterior cruciate ligament. Â The ACL comes to tension when limiting anterior translation of the tibia at end range flexion. Â In hyperextension, the ACL is vulnerable to impingement by the intercondylar notch roof of the femur. Â Â See article HERE.
The Take Home- Â Explosive knee extension in a kipping hspu is different than in other movements. Â The legs are flailing into the sky without any resistance to prevent hyperextension. Â Â The result is like the ACL getting slammed in a door.
The result of this repetitive ACL impingement is inflammation within the joint space and pain at end range flexion. Â The inflamed joint feels unstable, clicks and pops but should not lock up or give way. Â Getting into the bottom of a squat is very difficult in the week that follows this injury as the joint is swollen on the posterior side and the aggravated ACL is at tension at end range flexion of the knee.
Preventative measures-
Knee sleeves and Rock Tape
- Neoprene knee sleeves
- Hamstring Rock Tape
- Adds some tactile awareness of knee end-range
Joint Prep-
- Coactivation Exercises- Â Russian Swing/ Power Swing
- Focus on coactivation of glutes with quads to avoid end range extension.
- Hamstring prep- Â Death March/ Kang Squat
- Coactivate glutes, hamstrings, and quads during knee extension.
- Stay on the wall. Â Striking the heel into the wall at the top of the motion increases hyperextension forces. Â If possible, glide the heels up the wall as the knee approaches lock out.
- Closer hand placement-
- The further the hands are from the wall, the greater the knee is leveraged into hyperextension at lockout.
It is unlikely that serious mechanical damage has taken place. Â If you have apprehension or are experiencing locking up or giving way of the joint, have it assessed by your local knee specialist. Â Otherwise you are dealing with painful inflammation of the ACL.
Inflammatory measures- Â 4-7 days
 Heat / Ice contrast therapy.  6/1 ratio
Normatec vasopneumatic compression
- 20 minute sessions level 8
- 3x/day on empty stomach
Voodoo Floss
- The poor man’s normatec
Pray that there are not pistol squats in 16.5.
Deadlift alternatives for the compressed spine
When and athlete is recovering from a lower back injury it is important to keep the lower body and posterior chain engaged. Deadlift alternatives for the compressed spine include the TRX, Ring or erg supine knee flexion from a reverse plank set-up.
Upper Back Mobility for the Overhead Athlete The Bench Sphynx Seattle Sports Chiropractor
As a Seattle Sports Chiropractor I see a lot of middle back and shoulder injuries in overhead crossfit athletes due to their lack of T-Spine mobility. When you are deficient in middle back flexibility you will buckle at the T-L junction to get a weight centered overhead. Avoid that painful trip to my office with an injured lower back. This mobility can open up your range, protect your shoulders and stabilize your midline with overhead loads.